Mask Challenge

Masks for Schools!

If you’re reading this now, you’ve been nominated to participate in the HENRY Mask Challenge.
Across the country schools are opening up and kids need quality masks for everyone's protection.
HENRY is committed to donating masks to those who need them. You can help!
By participating in the #HENRYMaskChallenge you are helping our mission by donating masks to the school of your choosing and we are doubling your donation!
Donate, make a video, help get masks to kids, and encourage everyone to wear a mask so we can all get through this!

How it works:

1. Choose a school that you would like to donate masks to. Please give school name, address, and point of contact if you have one.
2. Select the number of masks, color and size that you would like to donate from the dropdown menus.
3. We will match your donation mask-for-mask (i.e. If you donate 250 masks, we will match your contribution for a total of 500 masks donated to the school you choose).
4. Decide whether you want to deliver the total donation yourself of if you’d rather we ship them to your school, enclosing a personalized letter on your behalf. When you checkout, just choose who to ship it to and we'll take care of the rest.
5. Now it’s your turn to make a video! Along with your donation we'll send you a free sample pack of 4 masks so that you can wear them in your social media video as part of the challenge.
Make a short video talking about the challenge and the importance of wearing a mask.
Nominate 3 friends/family to join you in this challenge & let’s get a mask to every child that needs one.
Use the hashtag #henrymaskchallenge in your post to keep the movement going!

Join the Challenge